
Apparently the gun is a DeBange 155mm. An expert told me that to his knowledge it is one of two in existence (in fact, he didn't know about this one until I posted the photo and asked for info).


Les Éparges

Monument at the top of the hill leading into the battlefield. believe it or not, men were drowning in the mud while climbing up here (the shelling broke the water table open and the streams simply flooded down).

The centre photo is of our group when we were at Les Eparges. For those who don't know her, Christina Holstein is in the middle giving the lecture. I'm the one with the beard. The lady sitting down is actually French and married to the Irish guy on the right. The man in the cap is not married to the other woman, but is British and married to a Portuguese woman who had stayed at home rather than risk missing the European Cup Final that evening!

Two of our members at the bottom of one of the craters.

How it would have been at bad times. Anyone for a drink?

Photo of the St. Mihiel salient itself - taken from Hattonchatel. In the centre in the distance is the Butte de Montsec. If you look at the cliffs on the right you can quite clearly see how they were shaped by the sea when they were the cliffs about 200 million years ago.

submitted: July 28, 2004 by David Heal

Related: WWW-VL: Military History: World War One History
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