I'm not sure whether the attached is suitable for putting on the site, but if it is it is of some real curiosity value.

It documents the taking of Luxembourg station on August 2 ,1914. Unfortunately it isn't a very good copy as the Archives don't do colour copying, which is what it needs.


The paper was originally the sort of khaki colour (the colour that British government note pads and books are, if that's any use) and this page was torn out of some sort of notebook.

It reads (and the writing is in different pencils and indelible pencils and handwriting as you can see):

8 heures moin 10 Rapport Lt. Wielseburg

Train 8 - 10 avec? 1 1/2 compagnies sous les ordres d'un capitaine qui
déclare d'ordre pour occuper la gare de Luxembourg. Lt. Franck a protesté --
voitures ouvertes la?? Au milieu. ? Déclaré que 700 waggons sont reservés
pour le besoin du Gd,. Duché, la circulation ne sera pas intérrompu.

???? Se repartissent de localité
8 1/2 heures ????? Wecker gare occupé militairement plus de conversations
Occupent la maison d'octroi sorti de viaduc 2.8.14

Which being translated means:

8 less 10 Report Lt. Wielseburg (don't know who he was)

Train 8 - 10 with 1 1/2 (by some readings just 1/2) company under the orders
of a captain had declared to have an order to occupy the Luxembourg station.
Lt. Franck (second in command of the Luxembourg gendarmerie) protested ----
open wagons with ?? In the middle. ? Declared that 700 wagons will be
reserved for the use of the Gd. Duchy. Traffic will not be interrupted.
Troops? Spread out across the area.

8 1/2 Wecker (a large station towards Germany) station occupied militarily
no more private conversations
Tax house occupied on the exit to the viaduct (a couple of hundrd yards from
the station towards the city proper)

submitted: July 21, 2004 by David Heal

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