Website Tools for Non-Profits
from the maintainer of the WWW-VL: History: Search Engines Website
Web Site Tools & Tips
News: Top Email Scams, FTC Names Its Dirty Dozen
MPMA Web Session
Economical Websites: Do You Need Help? Blogs, Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace - Using Free Social Networks for Museums
These days, museum professionals are expected to know everything about websites.
Yet, many don't monitor their museum's website and pay others to make changes
to it. And, oh those pesky questions board members always ask: How can I see my
donation on the web? Why are you on MySpace -- MPMA Museums MySpace -- and not on a more 'current' site? Why did our museum website address just become an on-line drug store? How can we save money by using email? Couldn't you just do that blog in your extra time? Get answers to these questions and see how you can save money and be
more web effective.
Also see: Museum MySpace Tips; MPMA Social Network Tips
Chair: George Laughead, Laughead Web; President, Ford County Historical Society, Dodge City, KS; Manager, WWW Virtual Library @, WWW-VL: United States History and Kansas Heritage Group. George Laughead was a member of Tim Berners-Lee's Virtual Library management committee. His hobbies include playing google as a computer game. on Facebook. Founding Chair, MPMA Technology Committee.
Robert Hickerson, Photographer/Database Project Manager, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS (full collection online)
Jessica Johnson, Second Life Project Coordinator, Spencer Museum of
Art. Spencer Art Museum Myspace. Spencer Museum of Art YouTube: Saint in the City: Sufi Arts of Urban Senegal
Neal Smith, Kansas Sports Hall of Fame, Wichita, KS; Wichita State University Public History program.
Websites: Better questions & better planning
You don't have to know HTML code to understand how your website could work better, or how to start one with better planning. This site is based on MPMA Web Session presentations by George Laughead. George is on the MPMA Technology Committee and was founding chair.
Mountain-Plains Museums Association Members
Recommended Web Sites
- What Is The New .museum Domain?
- AAM Small Museums & Technology list of resources
- Art Montana
- Association of Science - Technology Centers
- Buffalo Bill Historical Center
- Cheyenne Frontier Days Old West Museum, Cheyenne, WY
- Current Value of Old Money
- Digital History | Promises and Perils of Digital History, Center for History and New Media, George
Mason University
- Digital Imaging and Media Technology Initiative
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Nonprofit Web Sites
- Exhibits USA Mid-America Arts Alliance
- Fellowships in Museum Practice Smithsonian
- Gilcrease Museum
- Key Ingredients: America by Food, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition
- Holmes Anthropology Museum | Southwest Pueblo
Indian Pottery, Wichita State University, Wichita
- Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art Photograph Collection
- Los Alamos Historical Society, Los
Alamos, NM [cowboys and atom bombs -- unique]
- Tod Machover, Dan Ellsey: Releasing the Music in your Head [video from MIT Media Lab pioneers]
- The Medical Front WWI
- Mueller-Schmidt House (1881) Museum QT Panorama Virtual Tour
- Museums and the Web Conference
- Museum on Main Street, a partnership project of the Smithsonian Institution
- Newseum: The Interactive Museum of News
- National Park Service AEP: Managing Archeological Collections
- NPS: Museums Collection: Chaco National Historical Site
- New Media Design & Production
- PACIN: The Packing, Art Handling & Crating Information Network
- Role of Museums in online teaching, learning, and research, by Kenneth Hamma, J. Paul Getty Museum
- Stolen Art Video YouTube by MuseumPods
- TSHA Online A Digital Gateway To Texas History
- Traub Design Associates Museum Exhibit Design
- Volunteer Management From Energize
Web Stacks: Electronic Research Library
- Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes, Jakob Nielsen
- Wolf Museum Consulting
- Yellowstone's Historic Vehicle Collection
Site author: George Laughead. Hosted at WWW Virtual Library @
View of WWW inventor Tim Berners-Lee's computer screen, 1993, oldest screen view of the WWW-Virtual Library. .
WWW-Virtual Library: History : Sites Maintainer:
History | WWW-Virtual Library Original author: Lynn H. Nelson; launched 21 September 1993, first
link in WWW-Virtual Library.
Kansas History Gateway,, Lynn
H. Nelson; established as HNSource 6 March 1993, the first history on the web and the second public web site. Previously maintained at the University of Kansas.
Return to: WWW-VL: History: W3 Search Engines at: Updated: 15 December 2017.
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