[image: map of the World Wide Web, courtesy, opote.org] [logo: WWW-Virtual Library] WWW-VL: W3 WEB ETHICS

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WWW-VL: History: Internet and W3 The history of the internet & the world-wide web
WWW-VL: W3 Search Engines Internet search engines & SEO tips
WWW-VL: Software

   Computer Use Policy    Internet Law    Online Privacy    Open Document Standards
   Web Quality Guides    Blogging Policies    Social Web Site Issues    Government Open Records

Note: If a link is broken, do a search by name.

WWW-VL: History was established as HNSource (Kansas History Gateway) on 6 March 1993.

Site suggestions by Dr. Paul Martin Lester, Dept. of Communications, California State University, Fullerton. Site author, George Laughead, WWW-Virtual Library. Thanks to Dr. Lynn H. Nelson, founder of the Kansas Heritage Group, and original author of the WWW-VL: History Index, the first site on the WWW-Virtual Library, created in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, WorldWideWeb inventor. "I would like to thank, on behalf of all the people who have benefited from it, Lynn Nelson for his great effort to build and maintain the WWW Virtual Library for History." Tim Berners-Lee, WWW Inventor, www.w3.org, November 2004. Hosted at the WWW Virtual Library @ www.vlib.us . Launched: 06 November 2006. Updated: 10 October 2011.

(Page © 2006-2011 George Laughead)
WWW-VL: W3 Web Ethics
URL: http://www.vlib.us/web/ethics/