Leavenworth-Pikes Peak Express History
Stage line began operating in April 1859 between Leavenworth and
the gold fields near Denver. It followed the military road to
Fort Riley, then angled Northwest and West to the Republican
River near present Benkelman, Nebraska and went up that river
until it struck across country once more to reach Denver.
By paying a fair of $125, a person could ride the stage of the
Leavenworth-Pikes Peak Express. It had twenty-five stations,
located about twenty-five miles apart, with six men and extra
livestock at each station.
It was later re-organized and called the Central Overland
California and Pikes Peak (COC & PP - Clean Out of Cash and
Poor Pay).
The COC & PP was purchased by Ben Holladay in 1862 and renamed
the Overland Trail Stage Line.
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