[image: map of the World Wide Web, courtesy, opote.org] Museums and MySpace Tips:
If you don't have time, what to do

from MPMA Museum Technology Committee

MySpace takes time. Perhaps you don't have any extra time in your day, nor a volunteer to do the work. How do you get some MySpace connections without much time.

Finding MySpace museum friends

First, go to MPMA Museums MySpace at www.myspace.com/mountainplains . Look over the museum sites that already have been linked as friends to Mountian Plains Museums Association. They've been checked out already. And the style of a few of them should tell you how to start your own page. (Also see Spencer Museum of Art MySpace at www.myspace.com/spencerart or George's MySpace for examples of how to use photographs, blogs, etc.)

MySpace site name

Once you start a page on MySpace, you can not change the name of the link, so name it clearly. Use the name of your museum, use the word museum if possible, etc.

Once launched, you can then go to the MPMA MySpace page, and by clicking on the first 40 friends or more on that site, you will have an easy selection of friends.

MySpace friends comments

You also should be ready with a copy and paste Thank you comment for your new friends sites -- an index page comment link is very important to getting found in the MySpace universe.

What ever else you want to add to your MySpace page, you can do later, but at least you will start with a good group of friends on your page. Then you need to add photographs, blogs, etc., as you have time.

Museum MySpace site names examples

  • www.myspace.com/losalamoshistory Los Alamos Historical Museum
  • www.myspace.com/hennepinhistorymuseum Hennepin History Museum
  • www.myspace.com/pmcaonline Pasadena Museum of California Art
  • www.myspace.com/hammermuseum Hammer Museum
    Also see: Museums On MySpace and MPMA Social Network Tips
    From the Mountain-Plains Museums Technology Committee; George Laughead, maintainer.

    Site hosted at WWW Virtual Library @ www.vlib.us. Updated: 22 September 2009.

    Museums and MySpace: If you don't have time, what to do
    URL: http://www.vlib.us/mpma/myspacetips.html