[go to WWW-VL at www.vlib.us: image: map of the World Wide Web, courtesy, opote.org] Mountain-Plains Museums Association:
Museums and Web 2.0
What we've learned so far

from MPMA Museum Technology Committee

Also see:
Museums and Social Networks: What to do the easier way; www.vlib.us/mpma/social.html
Museums and MySpace: If you don't have time, what to do; www.vlib.us/mpma/myspacetips.html
Museums on Myspace -- what we've learned so far; www.vlib.us/mpma/museumsmyspace.html

  1. MySpace.com still active, but Facebook.com has expanded beyond 200 million users;
  2. Flickr.com and YouTube.com get indexed in searches fast and museums must add to the mix from their own sources to 'control' in some way what is found in searches;
  3. MySpace search engine send different group of users to museums;
  4. Linkedin.com is great for museum directors, curators, graduate students, resumes;
  5. Facebook.com is useful both for professional contacts, and for institutions;
  6. Blogs are additional resource, but take the most time if they are to be useful. Do not start a blog then only add to it every other month. At least weekly updates are necessary for audience;
  7. Off-site links are the power to your MySpace, Facebook, Linkedin, etc. -- make sure, if possible, that your museum, etc., adds a link from your regular website to your museum social network and blog sites.
  • How much time does Web 2.0 take?, museumtwo.blogspot.com/
    Remember -- treat everything on the web as public.
    From the Mountain-Plains Museums Technology Committee; George Laughead, MPMA Technology Committee founding chair, maintainer.

    Site hosted at WWW Virtual Library @ www.vlib.us. Updated: 29 September 2009.

    Museums and Web 2.0: MPMA Technology Committee
    URL: http://www.vlib.us/mpma/