Kansas Heritage Group]

Beats In Kansas: The Beat Generation in the Heartland

Artist S. Clay Wilson
Collected Checkered Demon
Vol. 1, 1998

Inscribed to poet Charles Plymell

[drawing: S. Clay Wilson, copyright 1998; used with permission; all rights reserved.]

Artist S. Clay Wilson's Collected Checkered Demon, Vol. 1, 1998, inscribed to Charles Plymell, "my first publisher." S. Clay Wilson, copyright 1998; used with permission.

Artist S. Clay Wilson: The Underground Genius Surfaces, by Charley Plymell
More S. Clay Wilson, Beats In Kansas

Charles Plymell The Last of the Moccasins, 1996 ('Vortex' excerpt)
Charles Plymell, from Kansa, Land of the Wind People, autobiographical sketch, 12/2002
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