Kansas Heritage Group]

Beats In Kansas: The Beat Generation in the Heartland

Beat writer Charley Plymell
Cherry Valley, New York, 2002

[photo: Charles Plymell in
Moody's Skidrow Beanery shirt, Cherry Valley, NY, 2002. From Pat
O'Connor. Used with permission. All rights reserved.]

Outlaw poet Charles Plymell in Moody's Skidrow Beanery shirt, Cherry Valley, NY, 2002. Holcomb, Kansas native. Photograph by Pat O'Connor, copyright 2002. Used with permission.

Moody's Skidrow Beanery: Moody Connell, 1960s Hoboes and Beatniks,
by Pat O'Connor, Wichita, KS

Charley Plymell The Last of the Moccasins, 1996 ('Vortex' excerpt)
Charley Plymell, from Kansa, Land of the Wind People, autobiographical sketch, 12/2002
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Photograph © 2002 P.J. O'Connor, page © 2004 George Laughead, maintainer, Beat Literature, Open Directory Project. Page posted: 08 March 2006; updated: 02 January 2018. Hosted at WWW Virtual Library @ www.vlib.us.