Kansas Heritage Group]

Beats In Kansas: The Beat Generation in the Heartland

Beat Generation founder William Burroughs
and rocker Patti Smith
Nova Convention Revisited
November 26, 1996
Lawrence, KS

[photograph image: Beat Generation founder William Burroughs and rocker Patti Smith at Nova Convention Revisited, Lied Center, Lawrence, KS, 1996. Photograph by George Laughead.]

Beat writer William S. Burroughs with rocker Patti Smith, Nova Convention Revisited, November 26, 1996.

William receiving ovation from audience at his last public performance, Lied Center, University of Kansas. Burroughs' guest performers included; Patti Smith, Lenny Kaye, Deborah Harry (Blondie), Chris Stein, John Giorno, Philip Glass, Laurie Anderson, Michael Stipe (R.E.M.) and Ed Sanders. Photograph by George Laughead.

Related: "Shooting Joan Burroughs" and Remembering William Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg, by Jim McCrary
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Photograph © 2000; page © 2004 George Laughead, maintainer, Beat Literature, ODP. Page posted: 18 November 2004. Updated: 6 Sept 2019. Hosted at WWW-Virtual Library @ www.vlib.us