Monterey Dance Concert Poster
by Robert Ronnie Branaman
July 1966

Robert Ronnie Branaman: "My poster for a Dance Concert, Monterey Ca., 1966.
A year before the Pop Festival. We promoted the Dance
Brotherhood of the Sprit, Susan and I; Karma Productions, Sam Most
who did most of the real work. My band was The Gladstones
(our motto "we're glad we're stoned" )
It was a trip and hanging with Janis Joplin and housing the
Band, for 3 days. Her singing blew us all away. Neal Cassady
and Allen Ginsberg were attendant." August 2009.
Also see: Chances "R" drawing, by Robert Ronnie Branaman, April 1967 & San Francisco Oracle No. 9,
backcover by Robert Ronnie Branaman, August 1967.
Poster © 1966-2009 Robert Ronnie Branaman, used with permmission, all rights reserved; page © 2009 George Laughead, maintainer, Beat Literature, Open Directory Project.
Page posted: 01 September 2009. Hosted at WWW Virtual Library @