Kansas Heritage Group]

Beats In Kansas: The Beat Generation in the Heartland

"Beats: Sad But Noisy Rebels"
Life Magazine
November 30, 1959

[photo: Life magazine, November 30, 1959; Beats: Sad But Noisy Rebels; Site author's copy.]

The November 30, 1959, Life magazine contained a feature on the Beats, showing their newsworthiness and the curiosity with which the majority viewed the movement. The magazine, circulation 640,000, accompanied Paul O'Neil's piece "The Only Rebellion Around" with a black and white photo, captioned "The Well-equipped Pad." Models were dressed in black and wore sandals. Props, labeled in the cut-line, included: espresso coffee, marijuana, bongo and guitar for "accompanying poetry readings." Site author's copy.

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Photograph © 1997, page © 2004-2006 George Laughead Jr. Page posted: 28 July 2004. Updated: 20 October 2006.