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The American West index plus search |
Questia On-Line Books for Research:
* Frontier Life
* Frontier Women
* Kit Carson
Cottonwood: History of the Upper Sacramento Valley From the expansion west, to the mission days, buckaroos and bad boys, the pinto folk (moutain men who married chief daughters), the padres, the "wanted" men seeking a fresh start, buffalo soldiers, explorers, trappers, scouts and renegades. The Old West took all types, and more than a few preachermen wore themselves out trying to civilize the motley crew.
African Americans:: African American History | African Americans (World History Compass) | African-American Family History Research-Missouri | African Americans in the Rugged West | Anti-Slavery Movement | Bibliographic Essay on the African American West | Black Archives of MidAmerica | Blacks in the Civil War | Black Indians/Black West Website | Buffalo Soldiers | Henry Robert Burke's Southeastern Ohio | Judgement Day | Nicodemus, KS | Nicodemus Historical Site | Northern Mexico and Southwest Texas Seminole-Negro Indian Scouts | Slave Data | Slave Movement During the 18th & 19th Centuries | Underground Railroad links | Underground Railroad sites (SW Ohio map) |
America's Story:
Quick quizes on American
leaders and statesmen
activists and reformers
adventurers and explorers
writers and artists
industrialists and entrepreneurs
American Indians:
see also Emigration: Native American
American Indian Policies | American Indiana Tribal Directory |
Back to the Future; Rise Indian Phoenix | Blackfoot Nation |
Lakota Sioux:
The Black Hills Treaty | Civil War |
The Civil War Comes to Indian Territory, with some activity in Kansas; part of a dissertation
on Cherokee and Black Freedmen |
Emigrant Indian Tribes of Kansas |
Haskell Indian Nations University 1884 |
Historic Indians of Kansas |
Indian Missions in Kansas |
Indian Women |
Miami Tribal Chiefs |
Native American Heritage |
Native Americans - Interactive Genealogy |
Native American Links |
Native Americans (World History Compass) |
Native Americans and the Frontier West |
Native Web: Historical Material |
Native Peoples of Northern California | Prairie Band
Potawatomi Language Project |
On This Date In American Indian History |
1832 - Treaty with the Potawatomi [cede their title and interest to lands in the States of Indiana and Illinois, and in the Territory of Michigan] |
Loyal Shawnee Tribe |
Shawnee |
Shawnee Country |
Shawnee Indian Mission |
Shawnee Indians | Sioux Indian Museum; Lakota People | Southern Plains Indian Museum | Southwest Indian Pueblo
Pottery |
Tecumseh and Harrison, Lost Indiana |
Current KC Native Community |
Native American Gravesite Photos
US President Andrew Jackson, 1830: Indian Removal from east of the Mississippi River | Volkskunde/Ethnologie: Links zu Minoritäten
Hispanic Americans
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, Smithsonian Education
1848: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - US annexation of northern Mexico |
Ancient Homeland of the Aztecs in Four Corners |
Aztec - Mexicas | Bold Caballeros and Noble Bandidas |
California Hispanic History, Scholastic |
Florida Hispanic History, Scholastic |
Hispanic American history |
Hispanic American immigration |
Hispanic History in the Americas, Scholastic |
Hispanic History Makers Born Before 1900, Scholastic |
Latino Links La Herencia |
Mexican American History | Mexico History of Struggle |
US Mexican War |
BOOK: The Latino Wave, Jorge Ramos
- "In his writings, Tocqueville debunked the myth that European immigrants of the time were settling in the frontier wilderness. Of course they weren't. Those newly arrived established themselves primarily along the eastner seaboard, where industries already existed that required their work. Populating the West was a rich man's adventure..."
MAP: Latin America Political Map
American Presidents with a
Name the president quiz,
president crossword puzzle. Some have
key events regarding westward expansion. *
Quick! Who was the 12th president?
George Washington |
John Adams |
Thomas Jefferson the election +
key events |
James Madison |
James Monroe key events |
John Quincy Adams |
Andrew Jackson |
Martin Van Buren key events |
William Henry Harrison Lost Indiana |
John Tyler key events |
James K. Polk key events |
Zachary Taylor (no southern expansion) |
Millard Fillmore key events |
Franklin Pierce key events |
James Buchanan (secession) |
Abraham Lincoln key events |
Andrew Jackson key events |
Ulysses S. Grant key events |
Rutherford B. Hayes |
James A. Garfield |
Chester A. Arthur |
Grover Cleveland key events |
Benjamin Harrison |
William McKinley key events |
Theodore Roosevelt key events |
William Howard Taft key events |
Woodrow Wilson |
Warren G. Harding |
Calvin Coolidge |
Herbert Hoover |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Harry S. Truman |
Dwight D. Eisenhower |
John F. Kennedy |
Lyndon B. Johnson |
Richard M. Nixon |
Gerald R. Ford |
Jimmy Carter |
Ronald Regan |
George Bush |
Bill Clinton |
George W. Bush |
also see: US PRESIDENTS, below
Benjamin Bonneville, explorer | "Big Nose" Kate Elder |
Billy the Kid |
Broncho Charlie Miller |
Calamity Jane: La meilleure tireuse de l'Ouest |
Crazy Horse (interview with Larry McMurtry) |
Gen. George Armstrong Custer: le site officiel de George Armstrong Custer (also in English) |
Daniel Boone: The Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone, The Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon, Boone Ancestors and Descendants, Logan's Fort, KY, D. Boone in MO |
Geronimo |
John Brown |
Kansas Heroes and Villains Gallary |
Kit Carson | Samuel A. Maverick |
Cemeteries: New Mexico Tombstones
see also Frontier Life | Clothing of the 1830s | Early American Homes articles |
Desert People and Cultures |
New Mexico Culture Net |
Mueller-Schmidt House 1881 , Victorian Old West Mansion Virtual Tour, Dodge City, KS
C bar T - American Cowboy |
Cowboy Hall of Fame |
Cowboy Heritage |
Dodge City, KS History |
Exploring the West |
Programs at the National Cowboy Museum, Oklahoma City, OK |
Boot Hill Cowboy Hall of Fame |
Kansas Cowboy Hall of Fame |
New Mexico Cowboy Hall of Fame |
Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame |
North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame |
Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame |
Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame |
Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame
Diaries & First Person Accounts: Also see other topics or on-line books |Cattle Trade of the West and Southwest, by Joseph G. McCoy, 1874 | Dodge City, Cowboy Capital & the Great Southwest , Robert M. Wright, 1913 | Kansas; Its Interior and Exterior Life, Sara Robinson, 1856 | Pioneer Days In Kansas, R. Cordley | Eugene Ring: travels and the CA gold rush | Narcissa Whitman 1836 - 1847 |
Disease and Medicine:
History of Smallpox
Donner Party:
New Light on the Donner Party |
Sarah (Handley) Keyes: first to die |
Emigration: Emigration USA | Indian Tribes of North America: Ohio to Kansas | Wyandots arrive in Kansas | Seneca and Shawnee Muster Roll leaving Lewistown, OH 1832 | Supplies for the Trip |
Expeditions: Lieutenant John Charles Frémont's second Topographical Expedition | Lewis and Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery [RealPlayer, VDO LivePlayer] | Explore The Lewis and Clark Trail | Traveling with a Purpose: Lewis and Clark Trail Missouri - Washington | Lewis and Clark | Along the Trail With Lewis and Clark | MORE on the Lewis and Clark Trail
Family History (Genealogy): Ancestry's Advanced Search | Encyclopaedia Britannica article | Interactive Genealogy | Kansas Interactive Genealogy |
Food and Old Recipes: Heritage Cook Book | The Perry Home Cook Book | Cooking In Kansas | Apple fritters | Bierochs | Potatoes from Kansas | Spoon bread
Frontier Life:
Frontier and Wilderness Life |
A Boonesborough Romance |
Simon Kenton, Frontiersman |
Frontier Folk Message Board | The Rath Trail, Charles Rath, Buffalo Hunter |
Richard "Uncle Dick" Wootton (Raton Pass) |
Frontiersman (pdf) |
The Legend of Dick Wooton |
Raton Pass |
"Uncle Dick" Wootton: The Pioneer Frontiersman of the Rocky Mountain Region
Fur Trappers:
Book list: Fur Trade |
Fur Trade
Luke Short, gambler
Also see: Gambling
Outlaws and Lawmen Gravesites with map
Gunfighters: Kansas Gunfighters | Western Outlaw - Lawman History Association Articles | Gunfight at the OK Corral | Wyatt Earp & Clay Allision: The True Story | "Doc" Holliday
Immigration: The Perpetual Controversy |
United States Immigration (World History Compass) | US Immigration Policy (includes timeline) | Immigration History Research Center |
Philadelphia: Immigrant City |
Chinese: Chinese Immigration, Library of Congress |
East European: East European Family History Societies |
German: German-Russian Settlements (Kansas) |
Gypsies: Melungeon Appalachian Sub-Culture |
Irish: Cherishing the Irish Diaspora | The Irish in America |
Jewish: Jews in the Wild West
Norwegian: Norwegian Historical and Genealogical Research in the Upper Midwest | From Norway to South Dakota: the Aker - Peterson - Williamson family
Russian: German-Russian Settlements (Kansas) |
Swedish: Swedish Connection in Kansas | Swedish Emigration to America |
Lawmen: Lawmen of Dodge City | Western Outlaw - Lawman History Association Features | Undercover in Tombstone | Dodge City Peace Commission | Wyatt Earp, Biography by John H. Flood | H.B. (Ham) Bell, Deputy U.S. Marshal, Pioneer Sheriff, Mayor of Dodge City and Grand Old Man of the Southwest | W. B. Bat Masterson Biography |
Mountain Men: Mountain Men | Jedediah Strong Smith |
Notable People from:
Oregon Trail: Biographies and Diaries | Reminiscences of A. H. Garrison, 1846 to 1903
US Presidents:
Presidents of the United States |
George Washington |
Thomas Jefferson |
Abraham Lincoln |
American Women of the Early 19th Century |
Famous Frontier Females forum |
Indian Women |
Notable Kansas Women |
Remarkable Western Women |
Women in America: 1820-1842 (index) | Women of the West Museum |
Foremothers Tell of Olden Times |
Women in the Fur Trade |
Women in the Gold Rush |
This American West WWW-VL site is currently maintained by Nancy Sween at and is regularly updated and expanded. Previously maintained at the University of Kansas, where it began as part of the Kansas Heritage Group. Updated: 15 June 2009.
WWW-VL: History: American West People
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