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The American West index
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Gold Rushes and Mining
American Experience/Gold Fever
The Black Hills of South Dakota, Explore the Old West
California Gold Rush Chronology
California's Gold Rush Sesquicentennial
Fagan's Grave for member of Marcy-Loring military expedition
Ghost Towns
Gold Rush History
Google list American west rushes
Great American Gold Rush
Negro Rights Activities in Gold Rush California
Western Mining History with map

About the WWW-VL History Network           To suggest a link, please use "Westward" in your subject.

This American West WWW-VL site is currently maintained by Nancy Sween at http://www.vlib.us/americanwest/ and is regularly updated and expanded. Previously maintained at the University of Kansas, where it began as part of the Kansas Heritage Group. Updated: 15 June 2009. WWW-VL: American West maintained at WWW Virtual Library @ www.vlib.us

WWW-VL: History: American West Gold Rushes and Mining
URL: http://www.vlib.us/americanwest/mining.htm