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WWW-VL: United States History
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The American West index
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Books on the American West

* A Brief History of Northern New Mexico Architecture
* New Mexico History
On-Line Texts and Document Collections
*Library of Congress Preservation LOC
*Preservation Briefs, National Park Service
* A Virtual History of Architecture, by Octavian Ciupitu
On-Line Journals
*Preservation On-Line the Web Magazine of the National Trust for Historic Preservation
WWW-VL: US Historic Preservation
Homesteading and Public Lands
The United States Public Lands Survey
Surveying in the Early Midwest
Homestead Act Statutes, AK
Cherokee Strip Land Run, OK
Homestead National Monument of America, NE
Texas Homestead Exemption, TX

About the WWW-VL History Network           To suggest a link, please use "Westward" in your subject.

This American West WWW-VL site is currently maintained by Nancy Sween at http://www.vlib.us/americanwest/ and is regularly updated and expanded. Previously maintained at the University of Kansas, where it began as part of the Kansas Heritage Group. Updated: 12 May 2007. WWW-VL: American West maintained at WWW Virtual Library @ www.vlib.us

WWW-VL: History: American West Homesteading & Architecture
URL: http://www.vlib.us/americanwest/homestead.htm