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The American West index
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American West Historical Associations: (also see: Museums)
American Association of Museums | American Association for State and Local History | American Historical Association
Organization of American Historians | Western History Association | State Genealogical and Historical Societies and Collections

Oregon-California Trails: Oregon-California Trails Association, Utah |

Santa Fe Trail: Interactive Santa Fe Trail | Cities Today Along the Santa Fe Trail | Santa Fe Trail Association | Santa Fe Trail Center, Larned, KS | Ford County Historical Soc., Dodge City | Morton County Historical Soc & Museum |

Ethnic and Topical Sites and Societies:
American Historical Society of Germans from Russia | Croatia in English | Ethnic Toolkits | Germans from Russia Heritage Collection | Greek Genealogy - Family History | Jewish Genealogical Society, Los Angeles | Palatines to America | Polish Genealogigical Society of America | Pomeranian | Swedish Genealogical Society |

AZ historical societies USGenNet
AZ state resources from I-Gen

California Historical Society, San Francisco, CA
California Views historical Photo Collection Historical Society, Southern CA
CA state resources from I-Gen
Tuolumne County Genealogical Society |

Colorado-Wyoming Association of Museums
CO state resources from I-Gen
Mountain-Plains Museums Association

ID state resources from I-Gen

Illinois State Historical Society
Illinois History Resource Page
IL state resources from I-Gen

Indiana Historical Society
IN state resources from I-Gen

State Historical Society of Iowa
IA state resources from I-Gen

Kansas State Historical Society
Kansas Museums Association
KS state resources from I-Gen
Also see historical societies along the Santa Fe Trail
Kansas Humanities Council
Kansas Museums Association

KY state resources from I-Gen

Michigan Historical Center
MI state resources from I-Gen

Immigration History Research Center
Minnesota Historical Society
MN state resources from I-Gen

Missiouri Museums Association
State Historical Society of Missouri
Societies of St. Louis City/County
MO state resources from I-Gen

Museums Association of Montana
MT state resources from I-Gen

Nebraska Museums Association
Nebraska State Historical Society
NE state resources from I-Gen
Nebraska Humanities Council

Nevada Humanities
Nevada Historical Society
NV state resources from I-Gen

New Mexico:
New Mexico Association of Museums
NM state resources from I-Gen

North Dakota:
Museums in North Dakota
State Historical Society of North Dakota
ND state resources from I-Gen
North Dakota Humanities Council

Ohio Historical Society
OH state resources from I-Gen
Ohio Interactive Genealogy (see Local History)

Oklahoma Museums Association
OK state resources from I-Gen
Oklahoma Humanities Council

South Dakota:
Association of South Dakota Museums

  • South Dakota Home
    SD state resources from I-Gen
    South Dakota Humanities Council

  • Texas:
    Texas Association of Museums
    Texas State Historical Association
    TX state resources from I-Gen

    Utah State Historical Society
    Utah State Historical Society Collection, Univ. of Utah
    UT state resources from I-Gen

    Washington State Historical Society
    WA state resources from I-Gen

    West Virginia:
    WV state resources from I-Gen

    Wisconsin Historical Society
    provides vital record searches,
    Civil War roster research,
    on-line searchable database.
    WI state resources from I-Gen

    Colorado-Wyoming Association of Museums
    WY state resources from I-Gen

    About the WWW-VL History Network           To suggest a link, please use "Westward" in your subject.

    This American West WWW-VL site is currently maintained by Nancy Sween at http://www.vlib.us/americanwest/ and is regularly updated and expanded. Previously maintained at the University of Kansas, where it began as part of the Kansas Heritage Group. Updated: 15 June 2009.
    WWW-VL: American West maintained at WWW Virtual Library @ www.vlib.us