AmDocs: Documents for the Study of American History
History Gateway at Kansas
Established by Lynn H. Nelson, 1993. First WWW-VL History site.
WWW-VL: The American West
History of the expansion of America's West frontier
WWW-VL: America Before The Europeans: Prediscovery History
Pre-historic world in the Americas
WWW-VL: Age of Jackson
Andrew Jackson in American History, 1830-1857
WWW-VL: The Coming of the Civil War
The Pre-Civil War Years in United States History, 1850-1860
WWW-VL: USA: Civil War History
American Civil War, 1861-1865, the bloodiest conflict in US history.
WWW-VL: US History Museums
Selection of American museums, including statements on their cultural importance.
WWW-VL: US Historic Sites
American sites of historical importance.
WWW-VL: USA History Reference
Reference sources for American history.
WWW-VL: World Constitutions
Selected national constitutions.
Medieval History Lectures
Dr. Lynn H. Nelson, Professor Emeritus of Medieval History, University of Kansas
- Heinrich Brugsch My Life and My Travels
Rosetta Stone translator, German Egyptologist, Mein Leben und mein Wandern, 1894
The Medical Front WWI
All medical aspects & history, military and civilian, of World War One, the Great War
WWI Resource Centre, contributions by World War One list members
Old West Kansas
Pioneers, Cowtowns, Forts, Trails, Tribes
WWW-VL: US Art Museums
Selection of American art museums.
Beats In Kansas: The Beat Generation In The Heartland
William S. Burroughs, Michael McClure, Bruce Conner, Charles Plymell, Allen Ginsberg, Beat Vortex
William Burroughs Photo Gallery
William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Patti Smith, Dream Machine
WWW-VL: USA History Maps
Gazetteers & Atlases, American colonial history
WWW-VL: Native American Bibliography
American Indian Primary History Materials
WWW-VL: Books On African-American Slavery
Primary US Black Slave History Materials
6 March 1993, first WWW history page; Lynn H. Nelson, author, archived
Lynn Nelson's Chicago
Great Chicago institutions, sites and history from a true son of the city
WWW-VL: W3 Web Ethics
Web ethics, computer ethical behavior, usage policies, resources, case studies
WWW-VL Web Stacks: Electronic Research Library
A history research library in electronic form
WWW-VL: US Historic Preservation
Includes LEED green preservation and policy statements, including selected state historic preservation offices
WWW-VL: History Research Aids:
US History Archives | US History Databases | US History Electronic Texts | US History Federal Resources | US History Gateways | US History Journals
WWW-VL: US Agricultural History
Development of agriculture in the United States
WWW-VL: Wind Power In Kansas
Wind farms and wind mills, with technical and historical background, current projects and future energy potential